021 // Showing up as your authentic self and making a truly creative marketing strategy with Megan Yelaney
In this week's episode of The Creative's Corner Podcast, we're chatting with (#prettyawkward) business badass Megan Yelaney about being a truly creative entrepreneur. In this episode, we discussed: -how Megan went to school for marking and communications, went to perform in LA and wound up being a coach with a massive following and six-figure business. -treating your creative gift as a hobby vs making your gift into a true business. -showing up as your true authentic self -how she built her community and follower base by sharing the non-professional corners of her personality -removing the pressure on yourself by not showing up as the “the professional” all the time -what does “passive recurring income” look like and how do creative entrepreneurs harness it’s power -creating sustainability and consistent leads with an ever-changing product suite -putting your blinders on and letting your gut guide your decisions so they align with your values and your priorities as a human
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